Mkhitar Meloyan
Plastic Surgeon
Plastic Surgeon
Rhinoplasty, Breast Aesthetic Surgery.
Altai State Medical Institute, specialty - surgery.
Residency in Surgery
"Emergency surgery of the chest and abdominal cavity," Barnaul, Russia.
"Vascular surgery", Yerevan, Armenia.
"General Surgery", Yerevan, Armenia.
"Alternative treatments of Chinese medicine" in Shenyang, China.
“Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” Los Angeles, USA
"Aesthetic Plastic Surgery" in Moscow, Russia.
"Course on Hair Transplantation" in Prague, Czech Republic.
"The organization of surgical services" in Moscow.
"Minimally-invasive Phlebology" Moscow, Russia
"Maxillofacial Surgery", Moscow, Russia
"Treatment and Diagnosis of the surgical pathology of abdominal organs"
"Primary specialization in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery"
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