The Harmonization of Appearance Online

Who is it for?

Plastic surgery mistakes are something that even a layman can see. Lips, cheeks, and eyes that look swollen and misshapen are the work of doctors deprived of any aesthetic taste. How can you know whether plastic surgery will make you look more beautiful and not leave you looking like some kind of disaster?

We can offer you a detailed analysis of your facial features with written recommendations made by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrey Iskornev.

“It took me 10 years to figure out how closely facial surgery is associated with the academic theories of art and to develop my own surgical methodology—
the Harmonization of Appearance”

Dr. Andrey Iskornev Plastic Surgeon, The Author of the Method

About the methodology

In 2011, Dr. Andrey Iskornev proposed a method of surgical correction of the exterior, which is based on a combination of surgery and the principles of portrait drawing.

Ideal facial proportions were described by Pythagoras in the fifth century BC. Then, in 1509, Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli formulated the laws of the theory of the golden ratio.

Dr. Iskornev’s theory of surgical harmonization of appearance is based on the laws of Da Vinci and Pacioli and are perfectly applicable to an aesthetic plastic surgeon’s modern practice.

Based on a series of measurements and serious mathematical calculations, Dr. Iskornev fashions optimal results in terms of harmony and complex artistic perception of your appearance and selects the most modest set of procedures while also yielding maximum aesthetic results.

“Some surgeons put some fragments of their patients’ faces or bodies up on Instagram, but often these are ‘too perfect’ before and after photos completely taken out of context of the objective appearance of the patient and just don’t make sense when considering the patient’s overall new image.”

Dr. Andrey Iskornev Plastic Surgeon, The Author of the Method

About the service

In 2011, Dr. Andrey Iskornev proposed a method of surgical correction of the exterior, which is based on a combination of surgery and the principles of portrait drawing.

Ideal facial proportions were described by Pythagoras in the fifth century BC. Then, in 1509, Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli formulated the laws of the theory of the golden ratio.

Dr. Iskornev’s theory of surgical harmonization of appearance is based on the laws of Da Vinci and Pacioli and are perfectly applicable to an aesthetic plastic surgeon’s modern practice.

Based on a series of measurements and serious mathematical calculations, Dr. Iskornev fashions optimal results in terms of harmony and complex artistic perception of your appearance and selects the most modest set of procedures while also yielding maximum aesthetic results.

Get a professional evaluation on how to bring your features to an ideal, while staying yourself, in three easy steps
for just $150.

You’ll receive your analysis within 72 hours

  • Take your photo Whole face and profile
  • Fill out the form Below
  • Submit your order And get $150 discount
    on your proccedure*

*Offer only available to those who order online harmonization services at The Platinental

The service includes:
  • An anthropometric analysis of the proportions of the various areas of your facial zones
  • An analysis of your facial harmony in relation to the golden ratio
  • Commentary made by the specialist concerning your individual needs, and a list of specific techniques in the vast arsenal of methods of aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetology that exist in the world
  • Download an example of an analysis

Ready? Let’s take a closer look.

This online consultation is not a medical service or advice and is for informational purposes only. Expert opinions obtained online can not be considered medical advice nor be seen as a plan for an upcoming operation. The service is considered provided after the client’s receipt of the results of the expert’s assessment of appearance to the email address specified by the client. The client is entitled to not agree with the opinion and/or method of the expert and that cannot be the basis for any refund made for an online analysis of appearance. Results of the online consultation will be sent between 24 to 72 hours after the specialist’s receipt of the electronic application filled out in the format that was specified. The person in the photo must be sufficiently illuminated. The photo must be of acceptable quality, color or black and white, and with a uniform background. Photo is intended for internal use only and may not be used for the purpose of advertising without the written consent of the client. By agreeing to these rules, you agree to make a payment in the currency of your payment card, equivalent to $150 (US dollars), paid to The Platinental Inc.