Chin Lift (Mentoplasty)

Chin Augmentation (with Medpor Implant Technology) / Chin Reduction / Forward Chin Extension / Chin Form Correction / Chin Lifting

Mentoplasty is the correction of the form of the chin in situations where the chin is underdeveloped, heavy, asymmetrical, disproportionate, or beveled. Mentoplasty has a distinct advantage in that it is easy to carry out and does not require general anesthesia—from $1000

Chin Lift (Mentoplasty)

For those not in the know, it is difficult to imagine how much the shape of a chin can change the proportions of a face, making its bearer irresistible or perhaps quite the opposite. For example, if a man's chin is strong-willed or weak-willed often and often unfairly conclusions could be drawn about its owner.

Our facial beauty is subject to the laws of geometry and, as it turn out, the proportions of an ideal chin have long been known. The width should be the distance between the eyebrows or the width of the nose to the nostrils. The height of an ideal chin should be half the height of the lower third of the face. At the same time, the chin line should be clearly defined.

Tom Cruise: Before and After

Contact us regarding any questions concerning our procedures

A Procedure to Reduce the Size of the Chin

Do you have a big chin? How can we reduce
this “gift of nature”? Chin correction on a disproportionately large or heavy chin is performed either by bone resection (removal) or horizontal osteotomy (bone dissection).

Often this type of mentoplasty is performed
with double chin liposuction, followed by a skin micro-lift.

Chin Augmentation: Mentoplasty

How can the chin be enlarged? There are a number of ways:

  • One option is osteoplasty (or bone grafting). This adjustment of the chin bone is not only a way of changing the size of the chin, but is also a way of doing this WITHOUT any implant installation.
  • Another option is to have an implant installed. The implant is placed underneath the periosteum.
  • Lipofilling is even another option. The enlargement is performed using your own unwanted fat.
Facial Implant: Before and After

Chin Contouring

Chin Contouring is a procedure performed in cases of severe asymmetry or underdevelopment of the chin. The procedure can be conducted without surgery using viscous fillers such as Radiesse or Glytone 4.

In some situations, gels may not achieve the desired result and implants would be the best option. In many cases, along with a mentoplasty procedure, Rhinoplasty or possibly a procedure conducted on the cheeks would provide you with the very best results.

If completed during middle age, these procedures can delay any need for a Roundblock Facelift.

How to Get Rid of that Double Chin

Mentoplasty can solve your pesky problems with a double chin, and even help you get rid of a triple chin. If performed at an early stage of sagging, liposuction should be sufficient.

In cases of severe sagging, a chin lift and neck lift may very well need to be the course of action.


Usually mentoplasty procedures are performed through incisions in the mouth, so no stitches will be visible. A lightweight bandage will need to stay on for about 2—3 days.

In order to alleviate slight pain or swelling, we here at The Platinental provide you with exclusive rehabilitative care!

The cost of anesthesia and hospitalization is charged separately from the stated prices for surgeries and depends on the operating facilities. The patient also pays separately for preoperative tests and postoperative rehabilitation.
The cost of the surgery by doctors may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the extended technical complexity (related to previously performed surgeries and procedures), as well as the use of proprietary surgical techniques.