Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

4 aesthetic operations which will make guys look more masculine.

Written by: Vakhid Mamedov, maxillofacial surgeon
Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

It is well known that the body you were born with is not the body in which you can stick forever. If you are ready to spend some time and pull some efforts, you may transform it radically. What about your face? Everything is more difficult here.

A man can think that his resources for facial correction are limited if compared to female ones. Women use cosmetics more often, skin-care products, plastic surgery and at least 100 cosmetic procedures that you haven't even heard about.

But the thing is that currently men have practically the same opportunities as women (there is even makeup for men) – but don't use them. Although you might have heard about them, many other men haven't tried them out yet. According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2015 male patients passed more than 1.2 mln of cosmetic procedures. This is by 325% more than in 1997. Women still prevail in the customer base, but men portion has reached 10%.

Of course, male aplastic surgery is different from a female one, especially facial surgery. This article deals with 4 aesthetical operations which will make men look more masculine.

1. Expansion of lower jaw and chin.

<i>Rami Malek</i>
Rami Malek
<i>Rami Malek</i>
Rami Malek

Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to change the contour of your jaw in a natural way, especially if you don't have excessive weight. Besides that, exercising in the gym for getting in shape won't transform your jaw into one like Rami Malek has.

Indeed, a massive and "dominant" lower jaw of angular shape proves testosterone effect during the teen years as one of its functions is to initiate bone growth in size. In contrast, influence of female hormone estrogen forms a narrower and rounded lower jaw which is most common for women. 

There are two ways of making the jaw contour more handsome: fillers and maxillary inlays used by plastic surgeons. Filler is a gel based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) administered into the jaw where necessary for maintaining the volume. Such procedure is cheaper than a surgical intervention and relatively simple. Using fillers experienced beauticians can change the contour of the lower jaw in 15 minutes, but don't forget that this procedure is temporary.


In average, the result stays for 6-9 months (if using Radiesse—up to 1.5 of a year) depending on the speed of splitting the acid by the body. Also, the masticatory attached to the lower jaw often squeezes the filler from the area of administration during traction and this may change the form set by the surgeon. Maxillary inlays give a life-long result, but the process of their insertion is more complex: the surgeon makes a small cut in the mouth cavity for concealing the scars and inserts a small implant into the lower jaw or chin.


2. Removing Bichat pads Getting rid of a baby face.

Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?
Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

Despite the popularity of a baby face in Asia, it still does not make men more handsome. Mostly the volume of our fat pads depends on genetics. Often some people have hypertrophic (increased) fat pads and they do not disappear in a natural way even if one sticks to a healthy diet and exercises actively. 

If you have prominent cheekbones, but due to hypertrophy of fat pads you look like a 12-year old boy, a plastic surgeon can remove your "cheek" fat by puncturing through the mouth cavity. Removing fat pads is a simple procedure, but it is not always recommended to do it, especially if you are young as aging may reduce the fat volume in this area in a natural way. 

Another problem is that during the last 10 years this operation became very popular so non-trained specialists began doing it practically in the conditions of a beauty parlor. As a result, some surgeons stopped evaluating aesthetical indications to this operation. At The Platinental clinic we recommend removing Bichat pads before the age of 35 if the patient's facial contours are near-round (Slavonic or Eastern European type). If you have a long and slim face, removing Bichat pads may lead to a sickly look so please consult with certified plastic surgeon before the operation.

3. Expansion of cheekbones (cheekbone plastic surgery)

Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

Similar to the lower jaw this procedure can be done two techniques. Non-surgical: using filler is a gel based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) or auto-fat. Also, a cheek-bone can be expanded surgically using cheekbone implants. These implants also can be inserted through the mouth cavity and attached to the bone. An implant will form higher and prominent cheekbones if making a professional facial analysis.

Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

To find your cheekbones, place your thumb a bit higher than the tragus (a small ear projection) and place your forefinger over your nostril. Draw an imaginary line between your thumb and forefinger and define the middle point of this line. If it will appear to be closer to your eye then you have high cheekbones; if closer to the lower part of your nose then you have low cheekbones.

Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?
Anatomy of Men's Sexuality. What Faces Do Hollywood and Girls Like?

According to the 2016 report of American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, elective rhinoplasty is the most popular surgical procedures for men. There is no precise answer what does a male nose attractive as an attractive nose is proportional to other areas of your faces. What is good for one guy can be non-suitable for another. 

As a rule, men have a straight and slightly thin, but not very small nose. It is always important to find a perfect surgeon, especially when speaking about rhinoplasty. One ought to choose surgeons with a big experience in working with male noses.

P. S. Please be careful with choosing a surgeon. Preference should be given to doctors with a big experience in working with male noses as many plastic surgeons have the same approach to men and women. Absence of experience in working with male patient can lead to an opposite effect—feminization of a male face which is hard to correct later.

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