TOP-5 "Weekend Procedures" for Rejuvenating Businesspeople
Written by: Agaev Khabibula Suleimanovich, maxillofacial surgeon

Plastic surgery has been part of our daily routine for a long time already. If previously grooming was the province of stars, now girls easily find surgeons in the Instagram and are aware of different methods well. But there is also a balance between prominence of the transformation result and recovery period. The more dramatic the change is, the more time one has to spend home. What if one has 2-3 days only for grooming and recovering?
"Our patients don't have an opportunity to wait three months for full recovery from swelling. The world is more dynamic now. We are trying to fulfil expectations of the most demanding patients and provide the most efficient rejuvenation procedures",—says Аndrei Iskornev, plastic surgeon, The Platinental clinic medical director.
Below you can find the top chart of the most popular
facial rejuvenation procedures:
1. Nano fat grafting

Nano fat grafting (AKA «nano lipofilling»)—technique of filling the face with the patient's own fat. The prefix "nano-" is used for a good reason. Fat tissues from the belly or inner thigh area is collected with a syringe with a thin tip tube (cannula) and fat undergoes a 4-stage cleaning in special gilded membranes (from tissue fiber structures) turning into a fluid-flow state. In fact, fat becomes a filler or paste for filling fine and large wrinkles, recovering lost facial volumes, masking under-eye circles and lip filling.
Another bonus is that fat tissues contain stem cells which regenerate and nourish skin cells. Do not confuse this with illegal cell technologies; this technique is completely safe.
2. CO2 thermolysis.

CO2 thermolysis is the evolution of facial laser resurfacing. Laser in form of spray touches skin surface and causes its local traction so as powerful lifting such areas as skin around eyes or wrinkles around the mouth. The laser is very efficient for getting rid of sagginess of skin on the neck, in the decollate, belly and breast area, pigmentation, scars (stretch marks).
In modern clinics the doctor performs a plasma mesotherapy session. This reduces the recovery period to several days.
3. Endoscopic forehead lifting

Endoscopic forehead lifting (scientific name: frontotemporal lifting) is a surgical method of recovering forehead, glabellar area and temple tissues. Hollywood starts apply this technique before playing juvenile roles.
This minor operation is done by puncturing and also allows getting rid of overhang of cheekbone tissues and lift nasolabial ridges on the muscle level this avoiding facial skin hyperextension. Theoretically in three days you can go back to your work at the office, but in fact, all marks completely disappear in 10-14 days. The best age for this operation: 36-45.
4. Chin endoprosthesis replacement with US porous implants

Chin endoprosthesis replacement with US porous implants. Disruption of lower jaw contour, unattractive profile due to chin deficiency is a very wide-spread problem. Few people know that this can be cured with a minor operation with cuts concealed inside the mouth.
Patients with chin deficiency often complain about tissue overhang in the neck area, double-chin and chin pinch ("like a bogeywoman has"). A customized implant can solve all these problems providing that the surgeon has a good aesthetic sense. That's why The Platinental hires surgeons who can draw well.
Andrei Iskornev personally asks trainees to paint a complex still-life during a short period of time and not many surgeons pass this test. During the recovery period the patient has to wear a compression pad for three days and after this s/he can go back to work providing that one is not an opera singer and is ready to eat soft meals for a week after the operation (for reducing the chewing process).

HIFU is ultrasound lifting AKA non-surgical equivalent of SMAS lifting. Machine face and neck lifting method for 30-40 years old patients. After this procedure one can go back to his/her daily routine in a couple of hours as there is no pronounced tissue swelling and redness. Perfectly suits for people who have no time for surgical recovery. According to The Platinental chief dermatologist Smirnova Anna Nikolayevna, ultrasound is fully compatible with machine radio-wave rejuvenation with help of Geneo+ machine and Hydrofacial oxygen mesotherapy.
«Public persons often arrive a few hours before a red-carpet event and this complex is does a real miracle without leaving any redness or swelling", comments Anna Smirnova.
It should be mentioned that patients still wait for a miracle cure which reduces age without intervention of a plastic surgeon or a beautician. But don't forget that first of all aesthetic medicine is life quality and it shouldn't be postponed for doubtful future.
The main thing is to entrust your face to professionals.